2007년 6월 24일 일요일
2007년 6월 20일 수요일
Galileo Computing – <openbook>
2007년 6월 19일 화요일
2007년 6월 6일 수요일
[OpenSuSE] ATI Mobility Radeon x700 IGP Driver Installation
한동안 문제가 없었기 때문에 방심하고 최신드라이버를 konvenientSuSE를 통해서 설치했더니 어김없이 화면이 나가버렸다.
설치DVD의 복구모드로 부팅하여 inittab을 수정, runlevel 3로 겨우 부팅하여 재설정 중이다.
sax2 -m 0=vesa
그럼 이제 새로이 드라이버를 설치한다.
ATI Proprietary Linux x86 Display Driver 8.37.6
Unofficial Wiki for the ATI Linux Driver - SuSE/OpenSuSE
ATI Installer HOWTO for SUSE/Novell users
3D Acceleration for ATI cards (works for SuSE, Mandriva and Debian)
YET ANOTHER Installation Guide: Generally following this guide should help most.
A slightly simplified version from Unofficial Wiki
1. BACKUP your current /etx/X11/xorg.conf file, preferably to your home directory. Now change to a command shell by hitting Ctrl-Alt-F1.
2. Remove any previous versions of the ATI driver by either
If you have installed a previous ATI driver version without using RPM packages (or if you don't know if you have or not), type the following:
cd /usr/share/ati
sh ./fglrx-uninstall.sh
Otherwise, and even if you've done the above type the following,
rpm -e $(rpm -qa | grep fglrx)
3. Change the directory containing the downloaded ati-driver...run file.
4. Change the permissions of the driver file to executable by typing the following:
chmod +x ./ati-driver...
Use the tab button to complete the rest of the ati-driver... file name.
5. Create a SuSE RPM (info is for 32 bit version) from the file by typing
./ati-driver.(fillintheblanks).run --buildpkg SuSE/SUSE101-IA32
6. Install the created fglrx... file by typing
rpm -ivh fglrx_...(hit tab again to get full name)...
7. I've no idea what the following does, but you're recommended to run it:
8. Now run the ati config commands:
aticonfig --initial --input=/etc/X11/xorg.conf
9. Now run the Sax2 setup.
sax2 -r -m 0=fglrx
You may wish to alter the refresh rates and DPI info with this,
otherwise just hit save. DO NOT hit the test button, it regually
crashes my machine when i do...
10. Reboot you machine. Do not use the reboot command,
again this messes my machine up on the next boot for whatever reason...
shutdown -h now
11. Boot up again, and check the new /etc/X11/xorg.conf file, compare it to your old one, and make any changes if you know what you're doing.
Configuring a Touchpad
To configure this driver, you will need to edit the X server configuration file /etc/X11/xorg.conf. Be aware that any changes you make to xorg.conf will be overwritten if you run sax2. You will need to be root to edit this file.
First, in the ServerLayout section of the file, add the line:
InputDevice "TouchPad" "AlwaysCore"
Second, add an InputDevice section that loads the synaptics driver and specifies its parameters. Here is an entry to get you started:
Section "InputDevice"
Driver "synaptics"
Identifier "TouchPad"
Option "Device" "/dev/psaux"
Option "Protocol" "auto-dev"
Option "LeftEdge" "200"
Option "RightEdge" "800"
Option "TopEdge" "150"
Option "BottomEdge" "600"
Option "FingerLow" "25"
Option "FingerHigh" "30"
Option "MaxTapTime" "180"
Option "MaxTapMove" "220"
Option "VertScrollDelta" "100"
Option "MinSpeed" "0.09"
Option "MaxSpeed" "0.18"
Option "AccelFactor" "0.0015"
Option "SHMConfig" "on"
The option that enables SHMConfig is particularly important. It allows you to set the synaptics driver parameters on the fly, using the synclient program. With these entries in place in xorg.conf, log out from the desktop and log in again, to force a restart of the X server.
Your touchpad should now be enabled using the synaptics driver.
There are many parameters that you can adjust to configure operation of this driver. For a detailed description, look at the manual page for "synaptics," using the command:
$ man synaptics
The program synclient lets you tweak the synaptics driver settings on the fly, without having to edit xorg.conf and restart the X server each time. However, changes you make with synclient affect only the currently running X server. Once you have established satisfactory settings using synclient, you should edit them into the xorg.conf file.
You can interrogate the current synaptics driver settings with the command:
$ synclient -l
You can change one specific parameter with a command such as:
$ synclient LeftEdge=150
You can obtain a readout of the coordinates and other parameters reported by the touchpad using a command such as:
$ synclient -m 100
For example, I have used this command to examine the range of X and Y coordinates reported by the touchpad in order to determine appropriate values for parameters such as LeftEdge, RightEdge, TopEdge, and BottomEdge.
A common requirement is to enable the touchpad for cursor movement but to disable it for simulated button presses via tapping. You can do this by setting the parameter MaxTapTime to zero, either by using the command:
$ synclient MaxTapTime = 0
or by editing the file xorg.conf.
From: O'Reilly - SUSE Linux, Chris Brown
Link for Touchpad Driver:
1. XFree86/X11 Synaptics TouchPad Driver for Linux Laptops and Notebooks
2. Unixboard.de
3. Synaptics TouchPad driver for XOrg/XFree86
[OpenSuSE] GRUB with Penguin
다시 부팅해보면 언제 그랬냐는 듯이 원래의 화면만 나올뿐이다.
알고보니 특정한 날에만 한 번씩 나오도록 설정이 되어있는 것이라고 한다.
항상 펭귄이 나오도록 바꿔보고자 한다.
GRUB의 초기화면을 결정하는 파일은 /boot/message이다.
시스템파일이므로 수정하기 전에는 백업을 한다.
$ cp /boot/message ~/backups/message.old 와 같이 하면된다.
$ mkdir ~/temp #수정작업을 위한 공간생성.
$ cp /boot/message ~/temp #message파일을 작업공간으로 복사.
작업공간에 들어가 파일을 풀어낸다.
$ cd ~/temp
$ cpio -idv < message #이렇게 해주면 jpeg이미지들을 포함한 10여개의 파일이 생겨난다.
$ rm message #더이상 필요가 없어진 message파일을 삭제.
수정할 파일은 gfxboot.cfg이다. 내용은 다음과 같다.
# penguin theme likelihood in percent; -1 = auto
두 번째 줄에서 default로 되어있는 -1을 100으로 바꿔주면 항상 부팅시 펭귄을 만나게 된다.
수정작업을 마치고 저장했으면 다시 message파일을 새로이 생성해주어야 한다.
$ ls | cpio -ov > ../message #한 단계 상위디렉터리에 생성.
이제 생성된 파일을 root로서 원래 위치로 복사한다.
$ cd .. # 생성된 message파일이 있는 곳으로 이동.
$ su
# cp message /boot/message
이렇게 해주면 기존의 파일을 덮어쓸 것인지 물어오고, 예라고 답하면 새로운 파일이 저장된다.