2008년 6월 28일 토요일

[Link] High Quality on Youtube

Youtube has slowly started to create better quality versions of many videos, adding links that say, "Watch this video in higher quality." See this High Quality example and compare it to Youtube's Normal Quality.

..... more in Jimmy Ruska's Blog


How to Embed High Quality and Higher Resolution YouTube Videos on Blog or Website

[howtonetwork.net] How to configure your Router to be a Cisco DHCP Server

[howtonetwork.net] How to configure an Extended Access List on a Cisco Router

[howtonetwork.net] How to configure a Named Access List on a Cisco Router

[sixnetcg.com] Cisco Lite Teaching: Access List (Part 3 of 3)

[sixnetcg.com] Cisco Lite Teaching: Access List (Part 2 of 3)

[sixnetcg.com] Cisco Lite Teaching: Access List (Part 1 of 3)

[westgatenetworks.com] ACL Configuration on a Cisco Router

[westgatenetworks.com] NAT Configuration on a Cisco Router

[palaestratraining.com] Inter-VLAN Routing

[palaestratraining.com] Getting to Know Frame Relay


2008년 6월 17일 화요일

[cisco.com] Cisco 1841 Integrated Services Router

Modular Platform Supporting T1/E1 Speeds

View Interactive 3D Model

The Cisco 1841 Integrated Services Router is part of the Cisco 1800 Integrated Services Router Series which complements the Integrated Services Router Portfolio.

The Cisco 1841 Integrated Services Router provides the following support:

  • Wire-speed performance for concurrent services at T1/E1 WAN rates
  • Enhanced investment protection through increased performance and modularity
  • Enhanced investment protection through increased modularity
  • Increased density through High-Speed WAN Interface Card Slots (two)
  • Support for over 90 existing and new modules
  • Support for majority of existing WICs, VWICs, and VICs (data mode only)
  • Two Integrated 10/100 Fast Ethernet ports
  • Security
    • On-board encryption
    • Support of up to 800 VPN tunnels with the AIM Module
    • Antivirus defense support through Network Admission Control (NAC)
    • Intrusion Prevention as well as stateful Cisco IOS Firewall support and many more essential security features

Cisco 1800 Series Portfolio Multimedia Demo

Data Sheet - Cisco 1800 Series Integrated Services Routers: Cisco 1841 Router (Modular)

[cisco.com] Cisco 2811 Integrated Services Router

Integrated Services for Small and Medium Business

View Interactive 3D Model

The Cisco 2811 Integrated Services Router is part of the Cisco 2800 Integrated Services Router Series which complements the Integrated Services Router Portfolio.

The Cisco 2811 Integrated Services Router provides the following support:

  • Wire-speed performance for concurrent services such as security and voice , and advanced services to multiple T1/E1/xDSL WAN rates
  • Enhanced investment protection through increased performance and modularity
  • Enhanced investment protection through increased modularity
  • Increased density through High-Speed WAN Interface Card Slots (four)
  • Enhanced Network Module Slot
  • Support for over 90 existing and new modules
  • Support for majority of existing AIMs, NMs, WICs, VWICs, and VICs
  • Two Integrated 10/100 Fast Ethernet ports
  • Optional Layer 2 switching support with Power over Ethernet (PoE) (as an option)
  • Security
    • On-board encryption
    • Support of up to 1500 VPN tunnels with the AIM-EPII-PLUS Module
    • Antivirus defense support through Network Admission Control (NAC)
    • Intrusion Prevention as well as stateful Cisco IOS Firewall support and many more essential security features
  • Voice
    • Analog and digital voice call support
    • Optional voice mail support
    • Optional support for Cisco CallManager Express (Cisco CME) for local call processing in stand alone business for up to36 IP Phones
    • Optional support for Survivable Remote Site Telephony support for local call processing in small enterprise branch offices for up to 36 IP phones

Cisco 2800 Series Portfolio Multimedia Demo

Data Sheet - Cisco 2800 Series Integrated Services Routers

2008년 6월 14일 토요일

[scrap] Exchange Server 2007

[Source] Exchange Server 2007 Product Overview


Exchange Server 2007 Product Overview

Published: November 30, 2006


For most businesses today, e-mail is the mission-critical communications tool that allows their people to produce the best results. This greater reliance on e-mail has increased the number of messages sent and received, the variety of work getting done, and even the speed of business itself. Amid this change, employee expectations have also evolved. Today, employees look for rich, efficient access—to e-mail, calendars, attachments, contacts, and more—no matter where they are or what type of device they are using.

For IT professionals, delivering a messaging system that addresses these needs must be balanced against other requirements such as security and cost. Enterprise security requirements have become more complex as the demand and use for e-mail has increased. Today, IT departments must contend with e-mail security threats that are wide ranging: continually evolving spam and viruses, noncompliance risks, the vulnerability of e-mail to interception and tampering, in addition to the potential harmful effects of natural and man-made disasters.

While security is clearly a priority, IT is ever cognizant of the need to manage cost. Time, money, and resource constraints are a fact of life as IT is made accountable to do more with less. As a result, IT professionals look for a messaging system that addresses both enterprise and employee needs while also being cost-effective to deploy and manage.

Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 has been designed specifically to meet these challenges and address the needs of the different groups who have a stake in the messaging system. The new capabilities of Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 deliver the advanced protection your company demands, the anywhere access your people want, and the operational efficiency you, in IT, need.

Built-in Protection

Exchange Server 2007 offers built-in protective technologies to keep your business moving, reduce spam and viruses, enable confidential communications, and help your company to be compliant.

Key Benefits:

Keeps communication alive and e-mail flowing with enterprise-class availability and reliability

Helps safeguard users and the organization’s valuable data from the harmful effects of spam and viruses

Provides trusted communications within the organization automatically and without added cost or complexity

Simplifies regulatory compliance in a way that supports the different needs of employees, compliance managers, and messaging administrators

Anywhere Access

With Exchange Server 2007, employees get anywhere access* to their e-mail, voice mail, calendars, and contacts from a variety of clients and devices.

Key Benefits:

Increases the productivity of today’s employees who require the ability to respond quickly at home, work, or on the go

Offers employees a single inbox to access all of their important communications—including voice mail, fax, and e-mail—while avoiding the cost and effort of maintaining separate systems

Delivers a fast, seamless, and familiar Microsoft Office Outlook experience across different devices and clients with no requirement for extra software or services outside of an Internet or basic phone connection

Improves collaboration and productivity by making it easier to find and share data, documents, and schedules from anywhere

*Anywhere access requires Internet connectivity. Outlook Voice Access requires phone connectivity.

Operational Efficiency

Exchange Server 2007 enables new levels of operational efficiency through capabilities that optimize hardware and networking investments and features that help make administrators more productive.

Key Benefits:

Gets more from hardware, software, and network investments through the power of x64 computing and bandwidth-optimizing routing algorithms

Improves administrator productivity by making it easier to find and fix problems, and automate tasks more simply

Drives deployment efficiencies with automatic client connections, a new server roles-based architecture, and improved diagnostics and monitoring

Simplifies integrating Exchange Server data within line-of-business applications and third-party solutions through new Exchange Web Services

The Outlook Experience

In addition to benefits and capabilities described above, Exchange Server 2007 offers the best integration with the broadest range of clients. Exchange Server supports a complete Outlook experience, from Outlook on the desktop to Outlook Web Access, Outlook Mobile, and the new Outlook Voice Access, a feature of Exchange Unified Messaging. Exchange Server also integrates with Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services and other Office applications as well as third-party systems and devices.

Outlook Experience from Anywhere

Exchange Server 2007 Features at a Glance

Built-in Protection

Anti-spam and Antivirus

Built-in defenses against spam and phishing e-mail as well as additional integrated filtering and multi-engine scanning capabilities provide advanced protection.*


Controls for messages in transport or requiring retention, and flexible journaling help meet organizational, legal and regulatory compliance requirements.

Business Continuity

New data replication capabilities (local and clustered) keep the system highly available while limiting the need and frequency for tape backup.

Confidential Messaging

New encryption features for both internal and Internet-based messages help protect the confidentiality of messages in transit.

*Exchange Hosted Filtering and Forefront Security for Exchange Server are both available with the Exchange Server 2007 Enterprise Client Access License.

Anywhere Access

Unified Messaging

New Exchange Unified Messaging goes beyond e-mail to deliver more types of communications to the inbox, including faxes and voice mail, as well as offering new capabilities such as voice access from any standard phone.

Web-Based Messaging

A rich Outlook-like experience from any Internet connected computer with a supported browser provides encrypted access to the inbox, powerful search, and the ability to view different types of attachments.

Mobile Messaging

Exchange ActiveSync technology delivers an improved e-mail and calendaring experience on mobile devices, while offering enhanced device and security policy control.

Collaboration and Productivity

Enhanced calendaring, out-of-office, resource booking, and meeting scheduling capabilities simplify collaboration and increase productivity.

Operational Efficiency

Performance and Scalability

Improved storage efficiency can be achieved through the extended memory and larger cache of x64-based architecture even as mailbox sizes increase; more efficient routing ensures the best use of bandwidth.


New graphical and command-line interfaces offer improved manageability and increased automation while integrated tools simplify maintenance.


Modular setup and server provisioning based on server roles, as well as capabilities to automatically discover Outlook and mobile clients simplify deployment.


New Web services-based application programming interface (API) and .NET integration via Exchange Management Shell tasks enable rapid development for custom and third-party applications.

2008년 6월 1일 일요일

Informationen über den Informatiker

[Quelle] Arbeitsmarkt und Jobchancen bei It-Jobs Stepstone.de

Informatiker sind aus der computerbasierten Wirtschaft von heute nicht mehr wegzudenken.
Sie pflegen Datenbanken, konzipieren Soft- und Hardware, warten und organisieren Systeme.
Die Breite der möglichen Tätigkeiten ist immens, viele Informatiker spezialisieren sich auf eines der vielen Arbeitsgebiete. Das wichtigste Feld ist die Wartung und Betreuung großer Systeme zur Datenverarbeitung, die Pflege von Servern sowie die Entwicklung und Programmierung von Soft- und Hardware. Weil Computer- und Netzwerksysteme immer komplexer werden, steigt auch der Beratungsbedarf bei Anwendern.
Jobs für Informatiker gibt es in nahezu jedem Bereich. Industrie, Dienstleister, Verwaltung und Organisationen – sie alle sind immer komplexer organisiert und brauchen Hilfe bei der Optimierung ihrer Ressourcen. Mittelständische Unternehmen können heute oft nicht mehr ohne Computer-Infrastruktur arbeiten. Auch eine Karriere als Forscher an Universitäten kommt in Frage. In Stellenanzeigen wird meist ein Studienabschluss als Informatiker oder ähnliches erwartet. Eine Ausbildung als Fachinformatiker kann ein Einstieg in den Beruf sein.

Softwareentwickler und Informatiker
- gefragt wie nie

Der Mangel an Informatikern und Ingenieuren hat noch einmal zugenommen. Die große Nachfrage hält seit vier Jahren an. In absoluten Zahlen bedeutet das: Im Jahr 2004 waren 16.673 IT-Arbeitsplätze ausgeschrieben, im Jahr darauf 20.961, 2006 dann 25.412 und im vergangenen Jahr 29.344.

Die meisten IT-Experten suchten 2007 mit 7473 freien Stellen nach wie vor die Beratungs- und Softwarehäuser. Der Zuwachs beträgt allerdings - wie im Vorjahr auch - nur zehn Prozent, nachdem er 2005 noch 50 Prozent gegenüber 2004 ausgemacht hatte. Am stärksten gestiegen ist der Bedarf im Maschinen- und Fahrzeugbau. Dort wuchs die Zahl der Jobangebote von 3271 auf 4538. Mehr Positionen wurden außerdem im öffentlichen Dienst (2830, Vorjahr 2423), in Konstruktionsbüros (2693, Vorjahr 1910) und der Elektrotechnik ausgeschrieben. Wenig Bewegung ist dagegen bei den Finanzdienstleistern zu beobachten, obwohl Arbeitsmarktexperten der Meinung sind, dass vor allem die Banken ihre Umstrukturierungen und Reorganisationen hinter sich haben und wieder zunehmend Interesse an IT-Fachleuten bekunden. Nur wenige neue IT-Experten haben auch die Chemie- und Konsumgüter- sowie die Telekommunikationsindustrie eingestellt.

Der Sieger von 2006 - die Zeitarbeitsfirmen - legen, was die Vermittlung von IT-Profis angeht eine kleine Verschnaufpause ein: Die Offerten gingen von 1325 auf 1186 zurück. Über alle Berufe hinweg haben laut Adecco die Offerten der Zeitarbeitsfirmen in einem Vier-Jahres-Vergleich um 180 Prozent zugelegt vor dem Maschinenbau mit 140 Prozent und der Bauindustrie (100 Prozent).

Wen sich Arbeitgeber wünschen
Recht eindeutig beantworten lässt sich die Frage nach dem verlangten Ausbildungsprofil: Arbeitgeber wünschen sich für IT-Jobs in erster Linie Ingenieure und Informatiker. In über der Hälfte der Anzeigen wurde ein solcher Abschluss erwartet. Überraschend wenig Interesse gibt es an Wirtschaftsinformatikern. Ihnen gelten lediglich drei Prozent der Offerten, in zwei Prozent der Fälle sollten es Betriebswirte sein, und erst dann folgen Mathematiker und Physiker. Ob die Unternehmen die gewünschten Kandidaten auch tatsächlich bekommen, steht auf einem anderen Blatt. Trainee- und Einarbeitungsprogramme nehmen jedenfalls zu, und die Industrie gibt auch Nichtinformatikern wieder eine Chance, vorausgesetzt, sie können ihre IT-Affinität anhand praktischer Erfahrungen nachweisen.

Von den Berufen steht der Anwendungsentwickler ganz oben auf der Wunschliste der Arbeitgeber. Allein 6534 Offerten erschienen für Programmierer, über 20 Prozent mehr als im Vorjahr. Noch stärker stieg das Interesse an Internet-Spezialisten, wenn auch auf geringerer Basis. Nach 662 Stellen im Jahr 2005 und 893 ein Jahr darauf wurden 2007 in diesem Bereich 1265 freie Positionen ausgeschrieben. Größer als 2006 war auch das Interesse an Netz-, Datenbank- sowie Systemspezialisten. Leicht zurückgegangen ist dagegen das Angebot für Verkäufer und Organisatoren.

Teilzeitstellen gibt es kaum
Im Widerspruch zu den Verlautbarungen der Arbeitgeberverbände steht eine andere Zahl. Nicht einmal ein Prozent der Stellen wird in Teilzeit angeboten. Der Traum von der Work-Life-Balance oder der Chance, sich verstärkt um den Nachwuchs oder auch um Hobbies zu kümmern, lässt sich kaum in dieser Branche umsetzen.
Die meisten IT-Stellen wurden 2007 erneut in Bayern angeboten. Der Freistaat hat seine Position als attraktivste Region in den vergangenen Monaten sogar ausgebaut. Mittlerweile entfallen ein Fünftel der Angebote (5645 Offerten) auf das südlichste Bundesland. Es folgen Baden-Württemberg mit 15 Prozent und Nordrhein-Westfalen mit zwölf Prozent. (hk)

Autor: Hans Königes